White Papers
Business Analytics for the CIO
This white paper discusses some of the key infrastructure challenges that IT faces in meeting the ever-increasing demands for intelligence across their organizations. It provides an overview of how the platform for SAS Business Analytics can help overcome those challenges. It also describes SAS strengths within each of the platform components -- data integration, analytics, and reporting. Most importantly, it outlines how SAS is here to help organizations achieve success through analytic solutions built upon an integrated framework.
Creating an Evidence-based Practice Culture with Business Intelligence
Healthcare leaders are challenged to improve care delivery, reduce costs and enhance physician and employee engagement. Doing so requires the ability to access data from a variety of siloed and disparate systems, and then to get that data into the hands of those closest to the issues. Applying business intelligence in a healthcare setting is a powerful way to break down political barriers, overcome resistance to change, align strategic priorities and improve communication. This white paper explores the ways that business intelligence and performance management software systems can facilitate evidence-based healthcare delivery in hospitals. The paper provides background on implementing business intelligence and then offers case studies demonstrating successful BI at several prominent hospitals.
Charting a Smooth Course to BI Implementation
The implementation of a business intelligence (BI) environment is not simple, but it does yield tremendous benefits for companies that want to receive the most value from their data resources. Read this paper by BI visionary Dr. Claudia Imhoff to understand the fundamental questions anyone must ask to ensure a successful BI implementation. You will learn to identify what you have, build a business case for the BI environment, establish the technical infrastructure to support it, maintain data quality and, ultimately, to expand the capabilities of BI through predictive and embedded analytics.
Case for Investing in Business Analytics Technology
This SAS-sponsored IDC white paper examines why organizations of all sizes and in all industries are turning to business analytics solutions to automate or support decision making. Based on user surveys and ongoing IDC coverage of the business analytics market, the report highlights how you can successfully deploy business analytics throughout your organization; retain customers, uncover cost-cutting opportunities and address compliance issues; use business analytics to give decision makers at every level quick access to accurate information; and ensure data quality and efficient data management within your organization.
Data Management for Risk
To survive and emerge stronger from the current financial crisis, it is essential that insurance companies implement an enterprise risk management strategy. And for any ERM project to be successful, it must be fundamentally linked to a holistic, unified approach to data management - one that ensures a smooth flow of information throughout the organization. This white paper discusses how using SAS for data management enables decision makers at all levels to see a complete picture of enterprise risk.
Data Integration 101
Data integration involves combining data residing in different sources to provide a unified view or to make it analysis-ready. It improves the flow of accurate, enterprisewide information, enhances data quality and enables collaboration across the organization. This paper looks at the best practices involved in a maturing data management practice, as outlined in a SAS-sponsored webinar in the Applying Business Analytics series.
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